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Bed & Breakfast


  Posada ( Nu )


info and contacts


Graziano Deledda

Via Goffredo Mameli 21

08020 Posada ( Nu )

       +39 351 539 8593

The B&B S'Ercole offers accommodation in Posada. Free WiFi access is available.

All units have a patio with garden views. An Italian or continental breakfast is included in the price.

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Things to see

Archeology-The Nuraghe San Pietro - Posada-Torpè


In the territory of Baronia (to which the municipality of Torpè belongs) there are numerous monuments from the Nuraghic and pre-Nuraghic periods; however, the density of monuments in the area is not among the highest on the island. In particular in the sub-region of Upper Baronia this density is even lower but, within this area, the territory of the municipality of Torpè is one in which the highest number of monuments can be counted. Spread over an area of 91.50 km² there are twelve nuraghi, a giants 'tomb (in the past there were two other giants' tombs whose name and location were known, but at the moment it was not possible to detect them), two nuraghic villages, five domus de janas and two niches carved into the rock. The territory of Torpè is crossed from west to east by the Rio Posada, which divides it into two parts, one to the north on the left bank of the river, which includes the largest part of the municipal area, and one to the south, on the right bank , which despite having a lower surface, is that in which is the current town of Torpè. Almost all the prehistoric monuments are located on the northern side of the territory, starting from the bas-reliefs close to the watercourse up to the slopes of the Cùcuru 'e Luna hill.

Archeology-The Nuraghe Losa-Abbasanta


The archaeological site of nuraghe Losa sits only a short distance from the Town of Abbasnta, from which it takes the name of an extensive and fertile basaltic plateau placed in the Top Paddocks . The average height of the site is approximately 320 m above sea level . The nuraghe is situated on the edge of the path of the super strada statale 131 , km 124 , which marks the distance from Cagliari , while Sassari distance is curca 85 km. At the height of the nuraghe Losa begins with the name of the branch cross-head for Nuoro (approximately 55 km) and then to Olbia ( 150 km ). Next to the nuraghe Losa are the countries of Abbasanta ( 1 km ) , Ghilarza ( 1.5 km ) ,Norbello ( 2.5 km ), Paulilatino ( 2.5 km ). All around you can visit more than 100 archaeological sites , between the known and the unknown to the generality of the people : archaeological sites of different age and configuration , the giants ' tombs , sacred wells , all , sites pre-nuraghic tombs of the neolithic and eneolitiche , these domos de janas ( houses of the fairies - witches ), dolmens and allées couvertes , menhirs , sacred stones, emergencies of different historical periods : the settlements of the tradition of punic necropolis to incenerazione , streets, and roman villages , the huts of the judicial period .


Deleddiano Museum


Grazia Deledda Nobel Price in Literature 1926


Where is it: Via Grazia Deledda 42 08100 Nuoro


Grazia Deledda, Nobel Prize winner for literature in 1926, was born in Nuoro, in a typical house of the wealthy class of the city.
The same writer describes it this way: simple but comfortable, with two large and slightly low rooms, with ceilings and wooden floors. Here Deledda lived until the wedding, which occurred in 1900, before moving permanently to Rome.
Declared a National Monument in 1937, today, after the recent reorganization, the house houses the museum dedicated to the writer and the deep bond with the city and its land.
The objects, the furnishings that belonged to Deledda (also coming from the Roman house) are mixed with the re-enactment of the domestic environments: some rooms have been recreated following the descriptions left by the writer: among these the pantry and the kitchen, where as a child she listened the bandit stories told by the servants.
In the kitchen, which was the most lived environment of the house, an olfactory suggestion was added through the inclusion of fresh food - replaced in relation to the changing seasons and the main occurrences of the calendar.
Finally, the room that houses the Nobel Prize Roman Studio opens, complete with all the original furnishings.

Trekking - The Gola of Su Gorropu


The gorge of Su Gorropu marks the natural boundary between the municipal territories of Urzulei and Orgosolo, it is about 1.5 km long, from the tip Cucutos (888 m), it sinks for about 500 m; on the bottom it narrows to reach in some points the minimum width of 4-5 m. The characteristics of size and shape make Gorropu a place of the highest value and of worldwide value, an authentic masterpiece of nature and at the same time a precious treasure trove of biodiversity.
A particular habitat, with its points of shadow, its drafts, its sudden changes in temperature, can not but have favored the conditions for the presence of endemics and other very particular environmental aspects. Specifically, the herbaceous species Aquilegia di Gorropu (n.s.callilegia nuragica) should be mentioned; this endemism has been inserted by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) among the first to risk of extinction in the Mediterranean.


Monte Ortobene, Nuoro



With an imposing appearance and curious forms, the Ortobene stands at the gates of Nuoro, a few kilometers east of the city. The massif touches the thousand meters, studded with spikes and towers with strange shapes that sometimes take on human, sometimes animal, features. Its 1600 hectares, inhabited since prehistoric times, offer endless landscapes: high granite cliffs stand out solemnly and alternate with valleys. Here you can take climbs and follow marked trails in "excursions" through dense holm oak forests with oak fir, cork oak, holly and Mediterranean scrub: cysts, strawberry trees, lavender, mastic and broom. Orchids bloom in the meadows, while the undergrowth is stained near sources of cyclamen, ferns and various mushrooms. The mountain is a habitat of mammals (wild boar, weasel, hare, marten, fox), birds of prey (golden eagle, hawk, peregrine falcon, buzzard and sparrowhawk) and other birds (partridges, lovebirds and sparrows). Once upon a time there were deer, moufflons and vultures.
The Ortobene is framed to the north and south by rivers, including the Cedrino, to the east and west by valleys characterized by prenuragic testimonies, such as the three Domus de Janas of Maria Frunza, the Vrighines and Janna Ventosa. Recent testimonies include the ruins of the churches of sa Itria and Santu Jacu. The Cuccuru Nigheddu is its summit (955 meters), a lookout point from which the view extends from the mountain Alboall'altopiano di Orune. Forward in its parks: You can visit by bike or with Sedda Ortai skates with a fresh embrace of pine and conifers and admire a mushroom-shaped stone: sa Conca, a fold in a huge rock. Of great interest is also the Solotti Park near the Diocesan House, a theater of spiritual retreats. The park that most characterizes the mountain is at the top: the Redeemer, dominated by the statue signed by Vincenzo Jerace (1901), who serves as the destination of the Procession of the Redeemer Festival every year in late August. While in the city parades of costumes, songs and traditional dances of all Sardinian countries are staged. When you go down, you will admire the valley and the mountains of Oliena, and in the clear days you can see in the distance the heavenly splendor of the sea of Baronia.
The mountain has always been a popular place for Nuoro, especially in Grazia Deledda. A symbolic site is the Solitude church, built in the mid-twentieth century on the site of a 17th century church, where it housed the ashes of the writer from 1959 to 2007.


Trekking-the nuragic Village of "Tiscali"


Monte Tiscali: This rugged calcareous mountain hides on the summit an unexpected geological phenomenon: a dolina, that is a cave whose collapsed vault, with the formation of a sort of gigantic funnel from the immense jutting walls, to the protection of which the people entrusted nuraghic, building within it two villages of numerous huts, and defying perhaps for a few centuries, the troops of the Roman invaders, who in vain tried to subdue the proud barbaric peoples to their dominion. Even the nearby valley of "Lanaittu" is scattered with important archaeological remains, such as the nuragic village "Sa sedda 'and sos Carros" while many caves in the surrounding mountains were used as dwellings and collective burials since the pre-nuragic period. The intention of the builders of Tiscali also seems to have been to repair the huts from the rain, so they arise entirely under the collapsed wall of the cave, from which a continuous dripping
of water also allowed the water supply.

Trekking & Kayak - Cedrino - Orosei 


Lake del Cedrino, between Nuoro and Orosei and not far from Oliena, attracts many tourists who love nature, the mountains, trekking and hiking. Reaching the lake is easy, just drive to the town of Dorgali and from there follow the marked road that leads to the lake area. From the parking lot you can already enjoy a wonderful natural view, being able to admire from a raised position the large basin of water surrounded by lush vegetation and mountains.
Trekking on the Cedrino.
Many excursions are organized from Lake Cedrino, or you can go hiking in full autonomy along one of the many marked trails in the area. There are paths of different difficulty, some reserved for more experienced hikers, others suitable also for families with children and ideal for a picnic; but all the routes are united by the possibility to enjoy magnificent views of the lake with striking photographic views and to appreciate the flora and fauna of the place, including the typical herons. In the lake area it is also possible to go kayaking.

Tomb of the Giants "Coddu Ecchjiu" - Arzachena 


Giants 'Tomb of Coddu' Ecchju is a splendid example of Nuragic funerary architecture.
It is an impressive collective tomb that probably housed the dead of the nearby village of La Prisgiona.
The monument, dating back to the Bronze Age, was built in two phases: a tunnel tomb (10.50 m long), built around 1800 BC, was added to the exedra (presumably around 1600 BC), or a semicircular space delimited by a series of slabs stuck in the ground with a large, centred stele (4.04 m high) in the center, decorated with a raised frame and a small door at the base.
The small opening was used to lay offers in the tomb.
The burial of the dead probably occurred from above, by removing one of the corridor covering plates.
The tombstone was included in a large mound of earth and stone that also included the area behind the exedra, which also had the practical function of containing the mound itself, but also marked the ceremonial space where rites were performed in honor of the ancestors which also provided for offers, as evidenced by the numerous ceramic vessels found in this area.
The cult of heroized and deified ancestors was of great importance in the Nuragic civilization.

Museum of Masks-Mamoiada


The Museum was founded with the intention of creating a place of contact between the cultural universe of a small town in Sardinia, Mamoiada, known worldwide for its traditional masks - the Mamuthones and the Issohadores - and the Mediterranean regions that , through Carnival representations and masks, they reveal a communion of history and culture.

In particular, the Museum addresses its interest in the forms of masking in which, in a wide variety of combinations, the use of zoomorphic and grotesque wooden face masks, sheep and mutton skins, cowbells and devices in general is used. capable of causing a deafening sound. These masks, belonging to the communities of shepherds and peasants, recognized the power to influence the fate of the agrarian year; for this reason, despite their impressive appearance, their visit was expected and appreciated and an opportunity to make friends with them through the offer of food and drink.

From Tuesday to Sunday (Monday closed) 9.00am / 1.00pm - 3.00pm / 7.00pm
From June to September open every day 9.00am / 1.00pm - 3.00pm / 7.00pm
Full price: € 5.00
Reduced (groups, seniors and school groups): € 3.00

The Ispinigoli Cave



The great karst system of which Ispinigoli is part, is formed by a network of underground tunnels, which connect it to two other caves that are nearby: the Cave of San Giovanni on Anzu and the Cave of Sos Jocos. This cave system is being explored, since some tunnels have not yet led to an exit. About 17 kilometers have now been explored, but speleologists estimate that the entire system extends for about 25 kilometers. It is known that 9 torrents flow inside the galleries and that lakes have formed, but the most interesting thing is that there is still a constant dripping. This means that the concretions can still be born and modified.
Another fascinating feature of the Ispinigoli cave is the abyss of the virgins. It is a 60-meter deep sinkhole connecting Ispinigoli to the San Giovanni cave on Anzu. In the abyss of the virgins have been found jewels of the Nuragic, Phoenician and Roman, which can be seen in the Archaeological Museum of Dorgali.

The Supramonte -Barbagia 


Its immense suggestive extension, 35 thousand hectares, is lost visibly, so wide as to enclose the territories of five countries, Dorgali, Oliena and Orgosolo in the Barbagie, Baunei and Urzulei in Ogliastra, as well as part of the Gulf of Orosei. The Supramonte is an ancient mountain complex, which surrounds the highest and youngest massif of the Gennergentu. A complex characterized by plateaus and sinkholes, overhangs and forests, caves and springs, inhabited since prehistoric times and dotted with pre-nuragic and nuraghic sites. The landscape has uniform distinctive traits: huge bastions alternating with deep canyons, rocky peaks that stand out towards the sky. But each of the 'Supramonte' of the five Municipalities has its own peculiar characteristics with original and inimitable natural monuments.
The Gorroppu Gorge, the most spectacular canyon in Europe, shaped by the power of water and 500 meters deep, identifies the territories of Urzulei and Orgosolo and also involves Baunei and Dorgali. To characterize the reliefs of Urzulei is also the cave of su Palu. While the Su Suercone doline, an impressive chasm with a particular 'funnel' shape, is the best known natural attraction of the Supramonte di Orgosolo: it is 500 meters wide and 200 meters deep, apparently inaccessible due to the verticality of the walls and because it is covered with thick pristine vegetation. The forest of sas Baddes, the only extensive European holm oak forest, is a part of it. Su Gologone, the main resurgence of the Supramonte, and Mount Corrasi, its highest peak (1463 meters), are the natural monuments par excellence of Oliena. The Corrasi is characterized by a bare and rocky environment, with chasms, spiers, pinnacles of particular shapes and caves, such as the Nurra de sas Palumbas. Su Gologone is a masterpiece sculpted in the bowels of the subsoil by the power of water, which re-emerges pure and very clear on the surface in the midst of a lush oasis. It is connected to one of the largest and most suggestive cavities in Europe, sa Oche and su Bentu: thirty kilometers of underground bowels crossed by a river that goes up to the source, with rooms embellished with stalactites and stalagmites, galleries, floors covered with crystals, underground lakes and sandy beaches. The 'voice of the wind' is set in the majestic and wild Lanaittu valley, halfway between the territories of Oliena and Dorgali, 'pierced' by other cavities such as the marvelous Ispinigoli and the Corbeddu cave - named after a famous bandit who took refuge here - where human traces of ten thousand years ago and remains of a prehistoric deer of 30 thousand years ago were found. It embodies the grandeur of nature, the same feeling of immensity that infuses the village of Tiscali, stronghold of the nuraghic populations inside Lanaittu, built on the walls of a deep doline created by a sinking of the homonymous mountain, in a long period (XV-VIII century BC). It has mysterious origins: the construction technique differs from that of the other nuragic sites. Tiscali is one of the best known excursion destinations in Sardinia. The trek to reach it also passes from other sites, as sa Sedda 'and sos Carros, another striking' country 'Nuraghe of exceptional architecture, important for the traces of the activity of melting metals. The presence of man in this part of the Supramonte is also documented by many artifacts, dozens of domus de Janas, menhirs, hundreds of nuraghi (including Mannu and Arvu), Giants' tombs and other archaeological sites, in particular Campu Donianigoro and nuragic village-sanctuary of Serra Orrios, which includes about one hundred huts, two small temples and megalithic tombs, hoisted on the Gollei plateau overlooking a relief in the center of the Gulf of Orosei, in the territory of Dorgali. And speaking of the Gulf and Dorgali, it is impossible not to mention its undisputed coastal symbol, the cave of the Bue Marino.